UE4 RnD – IES Lighting

While the defaulst point/spotlight actors in UE4 do an incredible job of lighting a level I wanted to create a stronger realistic feel with them. As such I have decided to use IES light profiles for my lighting set ups. IES profiles simulate a light source behind various layers of glass much like light bulbs…

RnD with lil’ ol Me – Skin

Apart for taking ages to come up with a title for this segment that rhymes it seems that throughout my time messing about with 3D/2D stuff I may have picked up a few things from trial and error that others might have missed! So to save everyone the pain and agony that I went though…

Light and Shadow

For this week’s project we were to focus on light and shadow. As such we were given the opportunity to relight an old model in a new way preferably trying to imitate the work of a known film director or animator. For this project I decided to try and light a model that I made…